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Peter's Bio

Peter Tigchelaar is a visionary musician living and creating out of his hometown of Hamilton, Ontario. Raised in a musical family, he is clearly a product of his creative environment and has had an abiding passion for the art and craft of songwriting his entire life. His fresh, folk style reflects melodic precision in the setting of stimulating and challenging lyrics to music.
Peter plays a variety of instruments including guitar, keyboard and mandolin, and more recently has developed a true affinity for other smaller instruments such as ukulele and WhiteCloud, his made-in-Hamilton Hammertone. These create a delightful presence that enables his unique melodies and harmonies to shine through, supporting his singing with a stripped-down, organic sound that is purely his own. His writing has also been shaped by a lifetime of involvement with choral music.
Throughout his career, Peter has created four albums of original songs: Wings Meet Wind (1994), Gracious Window(2009), More Like Lightning (2012), and his latest project entitled Better Things, released November 2014.
Peter's most recent CD is Vol. 1 of the World Without End Project. Music inspired by Benedictine Abbess Hildegard Von Bingen, whose daily immersion in the Psalms, helped spawn this phenomenal output of unique compositions.

All Content Copyright Peter Tigchelar